3 Things You can Do To Stop Creating Content in Agony as fast as Today.

3 Things You can Do To Stop Creating Content in Agony as fast as Today.

Hi, El Cruz here, 

And this email is for people who are having troubles creating content. 

When I say “trouble” I mean, you’re having a hard time thinkering content and you spend more time in agony than enjoying making some blurb for your business. 

So if you’re in that line where you think you’re not productive and can’t move a single line in your writing pad or editing device…

Well, just wait till you try this:

1 - Your First Hour Belongs to You (Or Your Mission) 

Ohh…this is my most favorite.

If ever read the Rich man in Babylon book, about a poor man who wants to be rich and then what he does is that he asked a rich man in their city how to be like him for inspiration.


 I paraphrased to this a little but it goes like this…

“How come you’re so rich and I’m so poor? Can you please give me an advice on how to be like you? “ - Poor man 

And so the Rich man answered. 

“Save 10% of what you earn and keep it, if you do it for a year, come back to me and I will give you further instructions.”

Listen, that is the same thing with your time. If you want to be content-rich, you have to give at least an hour of your day creating your content. Not your clients, friends, or business partners.

But your own stuff.

2 - Set Your Timer to 33:33 

This technique comes from the late copywriting legend Eugene Schwartz about how he creates content like a machine just by using his old kitchen timer. 

“This is a timer. It is the most valuable thing I ever bought in my life. I go nowhere in the world without a timer. Whenever I do anything, I press in ‘3,3,3,3’ that means 33 minutes and 33 seconds. I then press the start button. Now we’re going to speak for 33:33 minutes. Now, why I do this? Because I don’t think anyone can work for a very long period of time without interruption. And if you can do, you exhaust yourself too quickly. When a posse use to chase a criminal out west where I come from, Butte, Montana, the horse thief would ride for an hour behind him, get off the horse and walk an hour, and then ride. Why wouldn’t the posse go faster? Because the horse would be exhausted and drop dead. Okay, your mind has a way of dropping dead on you. So what we do is give it this 33:33 minutes and this give us room for inspiration to sneak in.” 

3 - Play Some High-Frequency Sounds…

If you have a terrible focus like your humble narrator. Why don’t you try playing some high-frequency sounds? It’s a little bit weird at first. Because it’s just like listening to hundred of snakes around.

But oh WOW! It works like a charm.

 You can even search the term “High-Frequency Sound in Youtube right now to give it a try”.

There you go, folks…

For some dramatic exit. 

I’m going to hold your index finger and try to do the wushoo finger hold.


But wait...

This link is for people who always sabotage themselves of success in the freelance world. 

Ann explains why she’s not getting the success she’s been wishing in the early stage of her career in the last chapters on her book. And what is the right thing to do.

It’s just a little tweak of the mind that you can do as fast as you read it. 

El Cruz 

The Man on the Chair for Ann's Email Broadcasting